Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
Perkins Eastman: Select Work
Compilation of international and domestic work by Perkins Eastman, an architecture firm with 13 offices worldwide.
download pdf
Rabu, 22 April 2009
Jumat, 27 Maret 2009
Selasa, 17 Februari 2009
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
The Fundamentals of Creative Design
One of the first titles in this new imprint, Fundamentals of Creative Design offers an introduction to key elements of the creative process. Each subject matter, or ‘fundamental', uses detailed diagrammatic explanation, associated theories, and historical references to explain the underlying principles of design practice. Examples from contemporary designers and practitioners will be examined in terms of Brief, Process and Result and accompanied by personal explanations from the creatives involved. This book offers a unique insight into the working methods of creative professionals and enables the reader to understand both how and why these fundamental rules are so important.
Kamis, 12 Februari 2009
Minggu, 08 Februari 2009
Modern Design Magazine November 2008
Featuring: The Race for the Whitehouse Special, Mecanoo Architecten, Eco-Elise Hemp Supercar, Couture Conscience and Must-have Fireplaces. download
Rabu, 04 Februari 2009
Canadian Architect March 2008 Edition
Comprehensive site for architects, specification writers and designers. Provides a product directory, archive of past issues of the magazine, chat forum and industry links.
download here
Senin, 02 Februari 2009
Minggu, 01 Februari 2009
NewSugar Magazine Issue 3
A submissions based magazine showcasing up and coming artists and creatives from around the world.
download NewSugar Magazine Issue 3
NewSugar Issue 2
A submissions based magazine showcasing up and coming artists and creatives from around the world download NewSugar Issue 2
NewSugar Issue 1
A submissions based magazine showcasing up and coming artists and creatives from around the world.
download NewSugar Issue 1
Dibutuhkan segera desainer grafis (full time)
Dibutuhkan segera desainer grafis (full time), syarat :
- umur kurang dari 26 tahun
- bisa menggambar, berjiwa muda, creativ, imajinatif
- menguasai adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator dan adobe indesign
- domisili di Bogor
- minimal lulusan SMK/SLTA
- kirimkan hasil desain dari foto yang telah didownload dari www.bukutahunan. com/lowongan/
-lowongan dibuka sd 10 februari 2009
Sedangkan untuk desainer grafis freelance khusus untuk mengerjakan desain buku tahunan sekolah/ school yearbook, syarat :
- umur kurang dari 26 tahun
- mahasiswa/pelajar boleh
- bisa menggambar, berjiwa muda, creativ, imajinatif
- menguasai adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator dan adobe indesign
- domisili di Bogor atau Jakarta
- punya pengalaman dalam mendesain buku tahunan sekolah/yearbook lebih diutamakan
- kirimkan hasil desain dari foto yang telah didownload dari www.bukutahunan. com/lowongan/
- lowongan dibuka sd 28 februari 2009
Bagi pelamar full time dan freelance kirimkan CV, hasil desain dari foto yang telah didownload dan porto desain grafis yang dimiliki, ke :
Taman Pagelaran Jl. Johar 1 C2 No.25-26 Ciomas, Bogor 16610
beri kode di amplop Full time atau Freelance
note :
Tidak menerima lamaran lewat email.